Self-Improvement Through ACTION
Of all the self-improvement quotes I’ve read and internalized, there is one that I constantly keep in mind at all times.
“Success Doesn’t Happen By Accident … it Happens By ACTION.”
This quote always reminds me of the ‘Ready, Fire, Aim’ approach to goal achievement, which holds that instead of planning your attack for days – or months – just get out there and take action toward your goals and dreams.
An action is what sets everything in motion!
I can set goals until I am blue in the face and make plans for their achievement, but absolutely nothing happens until I make the conscious choice to TAKE ACTION – even if just a small step – on a daily basis.
I know from prior experience that I learn best through DOING. Some things will go right, and some will not. But I will make progress as long as I take consistent action, and then simply adjust the particular actions that were not producing the desired result.
As Emerson so beautifully stated, “Do the thing, and you will have the power.”
Notice that you do not get the power first! You get the power by DOING the thing.
So set your goals, get motivated and get into ACTION!